
Monday, January 16, 2012

1/9/12 - 1/15/12: Taking it easy, on purpose

Mon: AM - 4.25 miles easy @ 7:50/mile on treadmill with 1% incline
PM - 7.62 miles total with 3.5 tempo run @ 6:08/mile

Tue: 3.5 miles slow recovery run (untimed) - group run at work on hilly route, mostly on trails

Wed: AM - 4 miles easy @ 7:50/mile on treadmill with 1% incline
PM - 8.5 mile progressive run @ 7:24/mile average on treadmill with 1% incline

Thu: AM - 4 miles easy @ 7:48/mile on treadmill with 1% incline
PM - 7.04 miles easy @ 7:45/mile

Fri: planned rest day

Sat: 12.11 miles @ 7:26/mile - easy/moderate run with last 2 miles hard

Sun: 9.15 miles with 8 x 800 with 2 minute recovery jogs

Weekly Totals: 10 runs, 60.17 miles
YTD Totals: 23 runs, 157.34 miles

This was a planned cutback week for me...boy, did it feel nice!  I was pretty physically exhausted coming into the week.  I purposely reduced the number of doubles (to 3) and overall volume in order to allow myself to rest, hopefully recover/heal any physical aches or pains I may have had with ot without knowing.  It seems to have worked because by the end of the week, I felt much better physically.  I also felt refreshed both physically and mentally from the additional rest.

The tempo run on Monday was a nice surprise.  I figured I would be in about the 6:10-6:12 range.  But, I should mention that my effort level for a tempo run was probably a little much even though my average heart rate of 167 was right about where I would expect it to be.

The 8.5 mile progressive run was 7:47 pace for the first 4 miles, 7:19 pace for 1.5 miles, 7:03 pace for 1.5 miles & 6:49 pace for 1.5 miles.  It felt smooth as I just let my stride roll throughout the whole run.

The interval workout on Sunday was tough, but again I knocked it out of the park.  The 800s were done at 2:46-2:48.  The last few were difficult as the shorter rest started to catch up with me.  I was pleasantly surprised that I held pace for the whole workout as I did not feel as though I was running fast enough for the last few.

I still haven't developed any formal training plan in anticipation of my 10 mile goal race on 4/1.  I am 11 weeks out, so for the next 3-5 weeks, I am going to continue to focus on general aerobic capacity, endurance and resistance.  I plan on doing this by building up my long run, using some progressive runs of 1 hr +, and extending my long tempo run from 5 miles to 6 or 7.  Simultaneously, I plan to continue to alternate fast repetition workouts with some interval workouts at faster than race pace, while adding some hill sprints or strides to a couple runs each week.  I think this will give me the foundation I need to transition to the race specific work I will do the last 6 weeks.

This week it was fun to watch the Olympic Trials Marathon on Saturday.  After seeing all the pre-race interviews and seeing how Amy Hastings raced, how could I not be impressed with her (and have a little crush)?!  Ritz is still my favorite American male runner...he is tough as nails.  I hope he kills it at the track trials this summer along with Rupp.  The emotion at the finish line from both Ritz & Hastings shows how much effort they put into trying to make the team and the belief they had in themselves they could accomplish something amazing.  Heroic!  Consider me a fan of both for good!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Full Week of 2012: 1/2-1/8

Mon: AM - 4.1 miles easy (7:45/mile)
PM - 9 miles with 5 mile tempo @ 6:20/mile

Tue: AM - 4.25 miles easy (7:52/mile) - on treadmill @ 1% incline
PM - 7.61 miles between easy/moderate (7:33/mile)

Wed: PM - 10.1 miles easy (7:47/mile) - on treadmill @ 1% incline

Thu: AM - 4.85 miles easy (8:15/mile) - hilly route
PM - 8.85 miles with 12 x 200m (36-38 seconds) with 2:00 minute recovery jogs

Fri: AM - 4.5 miles easy (7:50/mile) - on treadmill @ 1% incline

PM - 8.23 miles easy (7:34/mile)

Sat: AM - 12.52 miles easy (7:44/mile) - negative split run

Sun: AM - 5.04 miles slow (8:11/mile) - recovery run
PM - 7 miles easy (7:40/mile)

Weekly Totals: 12 runs, 86.05 miles
Yearly Totals: 14 runs, 97.17 miles

This week officially kicked my rear end!  I was so tired throughout the week, and my body was continually sore.  I was never in pain, but I had some minor tweaks during the week that would pop up and then disappear just as quickly as they showed up.  I did not stretch, foam roll or use the stick as much as I should have.  I plan to remedy that immediately.

The tempo run I did on Monday went surprisingly well.  I was able to run at a faster pace than anticipated.  I should explain that I did not change my perceived effort, I kept it at about a 7-8.  I thought this would equate into 6:24-6:26 pace, but I surprised myself.  The conditions were near perfect (a little wind), which certainly helped.  Maybe I have just gained a little fitness with the two weeks of tempo & interval work I have done.

The interval workout Thursday felt pretty good.  It was strictly a neuro-muscular workout in the sense that all I wanted to do was run within myself but fast.  The purpose of doing so is to improve running economy and become more efficient.  I was able to perform the repetitions a little faster than the last time I did the workout about 3 weeks ago.  It always feels good to run fast, especially when you get full recovery!

My long run on Saturday still showed that my endurance is weak.  It also showed me that my body is physically tired.  This is exactly how I expected to feel at this point.  I am running a lot in terms of frequency with the doubles.  But, I am not currently doing a lot of endurance type runs (1 hr or more, progressive runs over an hour).  This is what I am building up to in the next four to six weeks.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, this is right where I want to be!  I will spend the next 4-6 weeks improving my general aerobic endurance.  Then, I will shift the next 6-8 weeks to race specific training.  This is a nice abbreviated training cycle to see how my body physically reacts to the various stresses/stimuli I place upon it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

I've been told I need some goals

As I said in my last post, 2012 comes at a time of great hope for me.  I feel good and I am looking forward to seeing how each day, week & month progress.  One person I was talking to the other day about my running asked if I was training for something specific, and I replied, "No."  She kind of scoffed and said that I do need to decide what I want to do and make a plan.  She was right.  I remember reading a while back that not having a plan usually results in one doing just enough to get by and is not an environment conducive to thrive and perform at a higher level and meet and/or exceed expectations.  This resonated with me.

Granted, I find myself to be internally motivated in all things I undertake, but I realized setting goals would only serve to increase my potential.  The one concern I had was that setting a plan and goals could result in additional pressure placed upon myself.  Consistent with the additional pressure and desire to accomplish my goals, I was concerned I may do to much (frequency, volume, intensity) which may lead to injury and put me right back where I don't want to be...injured.  This planning and goal-setting opened up the possibility for disappointment, both by leading to potential injury or not accomplishing the goals I set.  All these thoughts will remain with me throughout this year, and will hopefully lead to honest self-assessment and intelligent training.

I have realized how important it is to take care of yourself.  In the past, I loved running, but I didn't particularly care for all of the other "stuff" that went along with it, like core work, stretching, strengthening, good nutrition.  And, 2012 is no different...I still don't really care for those things.  BUT, I have learned to appreciate the importance of these things.  As such, my first goal is to practice these habits more consistently.  This can only help protect my back, pelvis & legs.  My number one goal is to remain healthy!

In conjunction with with the personal changes to become more healthy, I also have determined I will continue to see a doctor regularly.  Dr. Blaich is a kinesiologist who I have been seeing and seems to have truly helped my physical well-being.  My hope is to see him about every 2-3 weeks.  My opinion is doing this is like performing preventative maintenance on a car.  If you do it, it doesn't protect against potential problems, but if you don't do it, problems are certain to occur.  I took a similar approach back in 2009 while training for Hartford back (I think that helped keep me together through training and the race, even if it didn't prevent future injuries).

Below are a few other goals I have set for 2012.  I am not sure I will have the opportunity to accomplish them all, it depends on race availability and timing.

1) Sub 17 minute 5k
2) Sub 35 minute 10k
3) Sub 58 minute 10-miler
4) Sub 1:16 half marathon
5) Sub 6 minute/mile pace for a marathon

Here is a tentative race schedule (with goal races identified):
1) Snowman Stampede 5M - 2/18
2) Runnin' Of the Green 7K - 3/11
3) Boulder Spring 10M (goal race) - 4/1
4) Stadium Stampede 5k or E-Race Loneliness 10k - 6/24
5) Classic 10k - 7/1
6) Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon - 8/11
7) Park to Park 10M - 9/3
8) Rock & Roll St. Louis Half Marathon - 10/21
9) California International Marathon (goal race) - 12/2

As you can see, the 1st half of the year focuses on shorter distances.  The reason for this is so I can intelligently manage volume throughout the year - naturally my volume will increase throughout the year as I feel confident in my health.  It's my attempt to mentally trick myself!  Plus, this will help me get back into racing consistently.  I intend to build my training program focused on the Boulder Spring 10M and will train through the races prior to that.

The 2nd half of the year will truly be my focus.  I have always wanted a gold pan from the Georgetown Half, so I may put together an abbreviated program for that race.  This would leave 15 weeks to prepare for CIM.  The other option is to put together an extended program for CIM, which would mean I would be racing the Georgetown Half about the time I exit my base building/introductory period.  Either way, I believe I could perform well.

So, there it is in all its glory!  It may all change tomorrow, but for today, it works...and I am excited!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Finishing out 2011 (& starting 2012) in style

For the week of 12/19-12/25: 59 miles

For the week of 12/26-1/1: 80.5 miles on 12 runs
Highlights for the week
- On 12/27 for the PM run I did 7.75 miles - 2.5 mile warmup, 3.5 mile tempo in 21:15 (6:04/pace), 1.75 mile cooldown.  I was in Houston for the holiday...running at sea level is so much easier!  The tempo run was easily 10 seconds per mile faster than I could have done in Denver at an equivalent effort level.

- On 12/31 for my evening run, I did 13k (8.07 miles) on the track - 3k warmup, 5 x 1200m @ 4:13 with 3 minute recovery jogs (400m), 2.4k cooldown.  Again, I was in Houston and this was a comfortably hard interval workout, only my 2nd interval workout during this base building period.

- On 12/31 I completed a long run of 11.9 miles in 1:30 flat (7:34/mile).  This was done back in Denver after traveling home in the morning.  I could tell the last 15 minutes or so that I was worn out and ready to be done.  My endurance is weak at this point.

Overall for December, I ran 47 times for 267 miles with 3 days off.  I was stoked to get in 80 miles for the week! And, I felt good doing it.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I had some aches and pains, but overall my body seemed to cooperate.  I could tell I was tired because the pace of my easy runs gradually slowed down naturally.

Enough looking back for's time to look ahead.  Little by little, I'm starting to believe I can "run" again.  That is a great way to finish out 2011, it was a tough year.  I enter 2012 as hopeful as I can remember being in a long time!