
Thursday, November 3, 2011

The week (and race) that were not: 10/24-10/30

For the week, I got in between 12-13 miles.  I only ran Mon & Tue.  Mon I ran easy, Tue I did a set of 200s in preparation for the 10k I had signed up for on Saturday.  Wednesday it snowed and was a planned rest day.  Thu-Fri were going to be easy runs with a few strides added on Friday.

Unfortunately, when I got home from work Thrusday night, I bent over and once again had a back episode.  I had a huge spasm (and what I perceived to be disc related pain).  That pretty much killed the rest of the week.  I was forced to DNS (Did Not Start) the race.  I am back on oral steriods for the problem and I have not run since.

Monday of this week I had a physical therapy appointment, during which time a neurological assessment was completed.  Luckily, the results were negative, so it is comforting knowing my pain is muscular.  I am taking the conservative route and not running.  I am unsure of when I will run.  My doctor gave me the go ahead, however I do not yet feel comfortable trying to run (as much as I would like to).  I am hoping by taking more time off I will recovery fully and reduce the chances and timeframe of experiencing another episode.

Right now I am concentrating on strengthening my core - abs, obliques & back.  Just another chapter in a series of disappointments over the last two years.