Mon: AM 2.5 miles / PM 8.14 km
Tue: 11.46 km
Wed: 8.15 km
Thu: planned rest day
Fri: AM 3 miles / PM 8.17 km
Sat: 7.29 km
Sun: 16.18 km
Total: 8 runs, 68.24 km, 8.53 km/run
Mon: AM: This is only the second double I have done this year. I did my hip exercises prior to my morning run. I ran on a treadmill at work in my vibrams - do all my treadmill runs @ 1% incline.
PM: Never got in a rhythm - felt like I was reaching down and out with my left leg (pelvic twist?)
Tue: This was supposed to be a moderate-hard aerobic run - 6-7 miles @ 7:00/mile pace. The result was just over 7 miles @ 7:15/mile pace. The last few miles ended up being just hard. I think I was a little to sure of myself prior to the run. I will remember this run next time and stick closer to 7:30 pace for now.
Wed: Easy run. I could tell I was tired because my average heart rate was 147 (high) at 5:16/km pace
Fri: AM: Easy run on treadmill at work at 8:23/mile pace.
PM: Progressive run from 8:30/mile down to 7:45/mile.
Sat: Short easy run.
Sun: First time I have done 10+ miles since November (at least)! My legs were beat up as I did a 6-mile hike in Rocky Mountain National Park (1400 ft elevation gain) the day before. I did not push the run at all as my legs had the "lead" feeling. 5:24/km pace with an average heart rate of 146 (shows I was tired!!!).
Overall, I accomplished my goals for the week. I wanted to hit 40+ miles (ended up with 42.4). This is the second time I reached 40+ volume in a week in 2011. I also wanted to be smart about it and not increase intensity, which I did (I actually backed off the intensity).
I really focused throughout the week on my form. I began the week feeling likemy pelvis was twisted. What I mean when I say this is that I felt like when I was facing forward, I was slightly twisted to the left; my right quad, hip, pectoral and shoulder were all out in front of my left. Add to this that my left knee has the tendency to collapse to the outside, I felt like I was "taller" on my right side. This made me feel like I was "falling" to my left side. I wanted to feel like I was "running tall". I tried to stay uniform in my stride from one side to the next. I focused on: 1) keeping my knee above or just on the outside of my foot through push-off, 2) firing my quads and hips through push-off, 3) keeping my shoulders and hips level, and 4) having my footfall for each stride occur directly below my hips. In doing all these things, I noticed my left achilles tendinitis flared up, but I'm not sure why. I'm keeping tabs on it to make sure it doesn't get worse as right now it gets a little tight on some runs.
This week I am shooting for a 2nd week in a row of 40+ miles. I should be able to accomplish this without any injury risk. I want to continue to focus on the things mentioned above as well as running efficiently - midfoot strike without causing any additional stress on my left achilles.
I tried sleeping in my bed one night and I woke up with a sore, stiff lower back. So, I have been sleeping on my floor at home. I have a therm-a-rest on top of my rug on my hardwood floors. Needless to say, it is "firm" support. Ha ha! I must say though that my back has not felt this good in a year+.
I am starting to consider myself a runner again...
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