
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A solid week for me: 3/14-3/20

Mon: 7.08 km, 6:01/km, 137 avg heart rate, 42:35 total time - strictly a slow, recovery run after Sunday's run.  My heart rate was higher than expected, most likely because I was fatigued.
Tue: rest day - planned
Wed: 11.26 km (7 miles), 4:57/km, 153 avg heart rate, 55:39 total time - workout on the treadmill: one mile warmup, 3 x 1 mile w/ a mile in between, one mile cooldown.  "On" miles were at 7:18, 7:11, 7:06 with incline at 1%.
Thu: 7.64 km, 5:28/km, 132 avg heart rate, 41:42 total time - on treadmill at 1% incline; easy paced run
Fri: rest day - planned
Sat: 8.97 km, 5:12/km, 153 avg heart rate, 46:36 total time - first time I had worn my kinvaras in a while and they caused my left leg to get tight and sore during the run.
Sun: 14.81 km, 4:55/km, 158 avg heart rate, 1:12:49 total time - longest run post November back pain.  Effort level was pretty high towards the end in order to maintain pace.

Weekly Totals: 5 runs, 49.76 km, 9.95 km/run, 4:19:21 total time running

2011 Totals: 45 runs, 382.12 km, 8.49 km/run, 33:27:37 total time running

Highest volume in a week post November 2010 back issues - just under 31 miles.  That means I have had two weeks in a row of 30+ miles.  I'm planning to keep the volume about the same level for this week as well and then take a cutback week next week to recover a little more.

It seems as though I felt the running in my back more this week than last, which is probably due to the cumulative wear from the last two weeks.  I have made an effort to stretch my gastrocs, soleus, hamstrings and piriformis after each run.  I will constantly be evaluating my stretching routine because I do want to lengthen the muscles and other soft tissue to prevent pain, but I do not want to incorporate too much for the fact this can decrease muscular power.  I also am attempting to incorporate workouts focused on strengthen my lower back, hip flexors and lower abdominals.

This past Sunday, the LA Marathon was televised on Universal Sports.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, specifically Amy Hastings and her display of determination.  An added bonus was that it seemed to give me additional motiviation to stay committed to my rehabilitation in hopes of returning to racing one day.  Some days it seems as though this process of getting healthy again is the end itself.  I just have to keep reminding myself: it's the means!!!

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